How many of these expressions have you heard before?
Let’s play hard ball. So how are we going to position ourselves? Let’s hit the ground running. Let’s hammer this out. Let’s get our ducks in a row here guys. All right, here’s the thirty-thousand foot view. I’ll beef it up. Can you put a deck together? Look, I’ll do most of the heavy lifting. Let’s drill that down. I’ll put my feelers out. Loop me in on that, will you? Seamless! Brick and mortar. Soup to nuts! What’s their value proposition? What platform are you using? She’s C-level!!! Serial entrepreneur. Coding ninja! Cutting edge! Game changing! World class! Premium. What are the deliverables? Are those baked in? Are those included in our best practices? Is that actionable? I’m going to have to marinate on that. I’m not willing to die on that hill. What’s our launch date? What’s our drop dead date? It’s going to be eleventh hour. We need more wiggle room. We’ll have to do it on the cheap. Is that net net? Can you unpack that? What’s your guestimate? That dovetails perfectly into my idea. I’ll put it on the back burner. That’s not mission-critical. I think that’s sideways energy. That’s not even in our wheelhouse. That’s where the rubber meets the road. How can we repurpose that? Can that be monetized? Just trying to create some cross-pollination. That is the silver bullet approach. Can we go under the radar? I don’t have the bandwidth for that. Can you disambiguate that for me? Can we talk off-line? We are batting a thousand. There is definitely some synergy here. You guys are like peanut butter and chocolate. That’s a win-win.